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皆様のサポートのおかげで、FRAME TOKYO は11月で2周年を迎えました。


新しいプロジェクト「TOKYO GUIDE」もスタートとし、これから更に活動を広げていきたいと思いますので、今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。

さて、私がFRAME TOKYOに加わったのは約1年前でしたが、写真を始めてからはもう約2年が経ちました。これまで、全くゼロの状態から、写真について、ストリートフォトグラフィーについて、自分なりに試行錯誤を繰り返しながら学んできたのですが、最近、自分の写真の撮り方に大きな変化が起きているので、今回はそのことについて書きたいと思います。

Hello everyone, I am SHUNSUKE. First of all, I would like to say that this year marks the second anniversary that FRAME TOKYO has been created, and I would like to appreciate every supporters. We have already started a new project called, " TOKYO GUIDE," and we will continue improving as a street photo collective who always provides new perspectives and curiosity to you. I hope you will keep supporting FRAME TOKYO.

By the way, It has past 2 years since I have started taking photography even though I have joined FRAME TOKYO las year. I have been pondering about photography and street photography from scratch, and I also have been doing my best though try and error. However, I realized that there were some changes in my photography like process of shooting and subjects in my photos. Therefore, I would like to write about it for this article.


Lots of Bad Works...









A little while ago, I have sought situations created with impressive light and shadows and cool moments I felt a big city of Tokyo. For instance, my shooting style was like to find shooting points where have good light and shadows and shoot some photos when my ideal subjects pass into a frame. I could get some really cool photos because of that shooting style. But it was not usual to get great works. When I thought carefully about my shooting style, I noticed that I unconsciously shoot subjects as many as possible like, " Ok, I can select some good photos later, so just shoot when good subjects come closer to the points." And when I look back photos what I have taken and select photos, I can always know how I have taken so many bad works like photos I cannot satisfy.

Of course I believe that taking lots of photos is significant to improve own photos, and I totally do not want to criticize the style like my previous shooting style because I know there are so many great photographers who can capture great moments using those styles. In fact, everyone has different shooting styles which is good. However, it is true that I personally got tired to shoot with that style and felt that that was not what I wanted to do. It is interesting, but I could noticed there are a few good photos when I looked back my past photos even though I had thought that those photos were really cool at that point.


Reason Why I shoot









So why I am struggling with my styles and at a lost. I have thought about that for a long time, and got a reason that was, " My reason of shooting street photography was not firmed up. "

I thought that even thought I shoot photos with some elements, such as impressive light and shadows and backgrounds. and outcomes were kind of cool, they were going to be typical photos like everyone has seen before if I did not firm up my concepts of photos and reason why I take photos.

Also I got the reason thought the discussion that I had with FRAME TOKYO members and the topic was why we take street photography. Even though I have been pondering my answers of what I want to tell through my photos and what I really seek for my photos, they are still not clear for me. But I could gradually feel slightly what I want to express through my photos.

And the number of releasing shutter dramatically decreased when I tried to think that way.

( I sometimes have a day like I can only a few good photos even though I walk around entire day.)

If I can feel that I am much more satisfied with outcomes compared with the past, it is definitely the best thing. However, I still cannot satisfy with my photos when I go back my home and look back photos. I have bene continuing to struggle, and it is kind of tough. But I strongly believe that this process makes me improve as a photography and human.


Moved Photo


Shin Noguchiさんの「IN COLOR IN JAPAN」です。

Lastly, I would like to share a great photographer who I recently impacted me. His name is Shin Noguchi and his photo book, " IN COLOR IN JAPAN, " is a incredible book.

Shin Noguchiさんは、特にストリートフォトグラファーの間では既に言わずと知れた超有名な方です。

つい最近、あのEYESHOTから写真集「IN COLOR IN JAPAN」を出版されました。

Shin Noguchiさんの写真は、どれも一枚で強いインパクトのある写真ばかりです。


The photographer, Shin Noguchi, is a very famous street photographer in the world, and recently his one of books, " IN COLOR IN JAPAN, " was published from EYESHOT. I think some of you already know, but his photos are always impactful, strong and memorable. I always feel how I can encounter such interesting moments like moments on Shin Noguchi's photos, and I really love how he is trying to use sense of Japanese culturural elements, such as Ma( Gap, Space, Distance...etc in English) on his works.










しかし、Shin Noguchiさんの被写体と向き合う姿勢は非常に勉強になりますし、写真家としての究極的な姿ではないかと思います。






I personally feel his photos are very objective like they are not very powerful and impactful, but we can recognize the point of photos at some point suddenly like a ha moments. I can imagine how he has spent so much time to take photos because moments he captured on the book are very rare moments.

Also I love how composition of every photo and his way of using colors are perfect. I feel his photo is a fusion of art and documentary. Moreover, it is really amazing fact that he uses film camera and does not trim photos.

That is enough to tell how he is a fabulous photographer, but the most important thing what I would like to share is that every his photo has a sense of daily life in Japan.

Below is a quote on the book, " IN COLOR IN JAPAN. "

" To seek beautiful light and shadows, deceive moments and photogenic subjects are universal theme for street photographer, However what I am mostly emphasizing is to put elements that I can feel a county of Japan and Japanese personalities. "

I definitely agree with that because I feel nostalgia and warm vibes form his works. I think because he always has a clear mind and reason of photos, think and shoot while taking subjects seriously, his photos are so impressive and memorable. Especially he uses film camera and does not trim phots, I can feel how taking subjects seriously is significant for street photography.

Comparing with him, I use digital camera and trim photos when I need. Therefore, I feel I can learn lots of things form him, and he might be a ultimate figure as a street photographer.

I realized that my favorite photos were taken with my explicit intention and concepts, not with blue minds.

I guess I will continue struggling myself, but I will try my best to improve my photos.

Thank you so much for reading, and Let's enjoy street photography though now is still difficult time. Stay healthy!






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