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執筆者の写真: Kyosuke Hamao Kyosuke Hamao


Essence of Street Snap for Me

The New School という美術大学の非常階段に座る生徒

A student who is sitting on the emergency stairs in The New School, New York

読者のみなさんこんにちは, Frame Tokyo の Kyosukeです。いつもFrame Tokyoを応援して頂きありがとうございます!! この記事は私がメンバーに加わってから2回目に記事になります。


Hello everyone. Thank you so much for reading this article and support for Frame Tokyo Collective. I am Kyosuke Hamano and I am going write a second article here.

The main theme of this article is going to be about the questions of what is photography, essence of photography and why we would like to shoot street snap. I do not usually like to clearly say what is what and pick an answer from infinite answers because if I do that, I feel like my horizon is going to be very narrow and I lose many possibilities by myself.

However, I think it is significant to pursue or deeply think about photography and it make our shooting skills improve. Therefore, I am going to write about them.


Extraordinary Experience = Normal Experience


A woman with a White Umburella




"決定的瞬間" を追い求めて歩いていると思います。勿論100パーセントそういった瞬間や




皆さんがよく言う" 決定的瞬間" とは私は思いません。なぜなら私は、路上スナップの

本質は、何気ない日常の記録 / 自己・街にある記憶や時代性との対話であり、偶然







I am always questioning why I want to take photos and street snap. I think everyone who is taking photos have different reasons and thought of that. For instance, someone wants to just record good memories or impressive views that they have seen during travel.

Especially if you are street photographer, you may have own strong reasons, thoughts and concepts of what is street photography.

And many of you may always try to find great photo opportunities and the decisive moments while walking on the street. Of course it is 100 percent so fun to walk on the street while finding those moments and impressive subjects, and it would be the best part of shooting street snap.

However, I would like to question what is decisive moments and  I always shoot while questioning of that.

When we walk around the city and street, we would encounter impressive moments or subjects  and most of photographers thinks they are decisive moments. However, I do not think they are not decisive moments because I think the essence of street snap for me is to record usual moments and daily life /  conversation between I and myself, layered fragments of memories in the city and era we are living now.  I think great opportunities and attractive subjects and moments that we accidentally encounter are not the decisive moments that we usually consider, and every moments and subjects are going to be the decisive moments.

In other words I could say that extraordinary moments and experience = normal moments and experience.

When you continue shooting in the city or somewhere everyday, you will get so many photos in your SD card. When you look back your photos, you will see many good or failed photos.

Most of you might delete failed photos and keep only good photos, and look back only them to imagine future photos. However, I strongly recommend you to look back failed photos too because there are definitely your unconscious thought and mind of why you have taken those photos. Moreover, when you look back failed photos and observe subjects on this photo while thinking about why you have taken them, you will see the important answer of what is photography and the essence of street snap in your mind.

Even moments and subjects in your failed photos, I think they could be also thought as the deceive moments, and it is very important to just naturally shoot street snap with your greta

5 senses and intuition. You do not have to force yourself to find interesting moments and subjects while shooting. I believe if you do that, you will be able to se the essence of street snap someday.

Most of you include me have though time that we cannot capture good moments and get good photo opportunities. But I think it is also fine and you do not have to push yourself to shoot good photos in such a hard time. Just shoot when you feel that you need to or want to shoot something.

⚠︎ You must be conscious of TPO 

Anyway, it is significant to integrate your mind, sensibility, intuition and body to your camera. You are going to be a camera itself.










最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございました、引き続きFrame Tokyoの応援をよろしくお願いします!! 


I fully understand that I cannot talk about the essence of photography like a professional photographer, but it was a great opportunity to think about street snap. Therefore, I wanted to share my thought through this article. I want you to make sure that things what I have written on this article are just my thoughts and theory of street snap. I understand that there are infinite different styles of street snaps and theories of the essence of photography, especially the definition of the derive moments. And I also think this is super interesting thing that there are so many different kinds of street photography like art and design in the world.

I think that pursuing / thinking deeply about street photography  is little difficult, but it is important to think about that if you are street photographer. I hope you got something through this article, and love more street photography.

Thank you so much for reading and I appreciate your support of Frame Tokyo!

See you soon.

Kyosuke Hamao





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