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Playful souls


Greg Mo




Multi-layered image captured along riverside in Ta Khmau city in Cambodia. The picture depicts an organized chaos in a way that was almost staged. Magical moment when everything fit well together. Space, colors, action, forms, and the scene simultaneously.



Born in Paris in 1981, Greg Mo is a photographer specializing in street and conceptual photographic practices. Based in Phnom Penh, the vibrant capital of Cambodia, Greg's work primarily focuses on capturing the essence of Asia, drawing inspiration from the diverse cultures and varied atmospheres of the region. His photographic approach is rooted in exploring the interaction between urban life and conceptual storytelling. Greg has published several books on Cambodia and Laos, and his work has been featured in publications such as CNN, Stern, Le Monde, Vice, and Geo Magazine, among others.

1981年パリ生まれのGreg Moは、ストリートとコンセプチュアルな写真技法を専門とする写真家です。カンボジアの活気ある首都プノンペンを拠点に活動するGregの作品は、主にアジアの本質を捉えることに焦点を当てており、地域の多様な文化や多彩な雰囲気からインスピレーションを得ています。彼の写真アプローチは、都市生活とコンセプチュアルなストーリーテリングの相互作用を探ることに根ざしています。Gregはカンボジアとラオスに関する複数の書籍を出版しており、その作品はCNN、Stern、Le Monde、Vice、Geo Magazineなどの出版物に掲載されています。

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