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執筆者の写真: Shunsuke MatsunagaShunsuke Matsunaga

How to Think about Using SNS




I think many people upload their photos to SNS such as Instagram to share what they want,  and  this time I would like to write about my recent thoughts on how to think about using SNS.

There are so many ways to share your photos, such as opening exhibitions, applying competitions that I introduced before, but SNS is the most convenient way to put your work out to the world.

On the other hand, I think there are also major pitfalls of using SNS.


You are Going to Care about the Number of Your Follower








Of Course everyone would be happy to get followers and likes as many as possible, but you have to be careful that if you only focus on thinking about getting many followers and likes, you are going to think about what kind of photos are good for getting new followers or what photos instagram users like. 

For instance, this is very extreme example, but if you only think about what kind of photos are good for getting new followers, you are going to research instagrammers who have many followers and try to use same cameras as them and shoot very similar photos like them. 

You might be able to get many followers with such a way, but it is very important to think that you really like photos you have post or not.

If you just mimic to shoot and post photos like famous instagrammers photos, they might not be the best for you. It seems that it is same as working what you hate for making money.  Of course if you have a particular goals like you want to be a famous or get so many followers as your business, but if not,  I think you need to think carefully about why you want to post your photos or the purpose of using SNS.


So How You can think about Using SNS? 











I think if you post only photos what you passionately like or would like to share, you are going to get a chance to spread your works and you are not going to care about your surroundings. Because even if your post photos do not have many likes, it is totally fine if you love them. 

For me, I always consider that I really love this photo or I do not chose this photo to get followers before I post my works. I will lose some followers when I do not take good photos and post constantly, but I think it is totally fine. 

I think it is very important to ask yourself about what you really want to do for using SNS rather than focusing on getting followers and likes. If you want to develop your photo skills or if you are tired with thinking about SNS, it is good to try that way. 

I hope you could enjoy this article, and I hope see you soon.




1 Comment

Jul 13, 2020

Thank you so much for this very good and useful article.

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