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執筆者の写真: Kyosuke Hamao Kyosuke Hamao


Speedy Era

みなさんこんにちは。FRAME TOKYOのKYOUSKEです。新年あけましておめでとうございます!!


すでに今年2021年達成したい目標、それから今後5年周期毎に達成したい目標をいくつか決めました。未だ何をするにも難しい時期ではありますが、みなさんにとって2021年が実りある年になる事を願ってます。FRAME TOKYOも今後更に飛躍するため日々精進していきますので、今後ともFRAME TOKYOのサポートをよろしくお願いいたします!!








だからこそ、自分の "今したい事" に打ち込む時間に全力で向き合っていきたいと常日頃思います。

Hello everyone. I am KYOSUKE, and happy new year !! I am really excited how 2021 is going to be and I have already made some goals that I would like to achieve in 2021 and for the early future.

I hope this year will be a meaningful and happy year for all of you even thought it is still difficult time. We FRAME TOKYO also will keep improving and I hope you continue supporting FRAME TOKYO.

For this article, I am going to share general things that I have recently thought and how I will spend most of time in this year toward my goals I set. A theme is, " Speed. " The reason why I choose that word is because I really think I need to push harder myself and do what I want quickly.

I used to be a really slow man, like I always decided what I would do and moved to next things very slowly. Therefore, I did not like a person who always seemed so busy and do something quickly. For instance, my math teacher in elementary school is a great example. He always said to me, " Hey, do you understand that speed is really important for math?" I really hated that and thought he was so annoying, so I just ignored his words and because of that, I always got the lowest grade for math. During the summer vacation, I always got so many assignments due by September 1st, when was the first day of the fall semester, and I always did not care about finishing assignments and just tried to spend my summer time with full of energy. Therefore, it was usual that I noticed I still had so many left assignments I had to finish by two days later. lol

Time has passed and now is internet era. I usually feel I cannot waste of my time everyday very slowly like when I was a kid. Because of great development of internet and SNS, such as Instagram or twitter, I feel a percentage that everyone is able to make own dreams or goals come true dramatically increased and everything changes very quickly. I personally call, The Era of First come, first Serve, for nowadays because everyone has a chance to produce new, impressive and wonderful things using internet. If we think about posting photos on SNS, it is super cool because everyone, including professional and amateur photographers are able to share own works to others in the world and, everyone has a chance to be a great photographer. It is really nice, isn't it ?

However, I personally think that we, especially people who want to try new things through photograph, should post photos what we want to share as soon as we can because some one in the world will post very similar or nicer photos than you before you post your photos. It may mean that your photo will be a copy of someone who post simpler photos before you post on SNS. It is totally ok if you do not really care about that, like you do not care even if you take and post similar photos with someone in the world. I also deeply understand that everyone has own speed and styles and I love that! However I personally think that I should do anything what I want to do really quickly before someone may do totally same thing of what I will do .

I have a dream that I would like to work as a street photographer professionally and globally in the early feature because simply I love street photography. Therefore, I always think I must not be lazy and space out. Because time never stops, and it is a fact that outstanding and new photos and projects have been producing every moment while I am taking a break.

I am still not a professional photographer like masters. However, I have a lot of things what I would like to do as a photographer. For instance, I would like to have my solo exhibitions in the world to share how street photography is so fun to people in the world. Moreover, I also would like to collaborate with street photographers in the world to connect each countries photography cultures and strengthen photo cultures....etc. Therefore, I always try to do my best every moment in my daily life, especially when I do something related with photography.







This is my personal thing, but my grand mother has passed away last December. She was over 80 years old and had some diseases, but she died very suddenry. I was in New York and had lots of things to do, so I could not attend her funeral and say good bye to her. I was really sad for that. But I got back my energy when I remembered my gland mother's world she had given to me

3 years ago. She had said to me, " The life is moment, and you really need to spend your time with your strong passion and achieve your dreams. "

My gland mother was an always very strict person, but I remember that she was very calm and kind when she had told me that world. I think that is really important to keep in my mind because what if I will live until 80 years old, I can noice that I do not have a lot of time to achieve my all of dreams and goals what I have decided.

I think everyone do not know what will happen after we die, but I can say that I will definitely forget myself after I die. There, I would like to spend every time with my best while I am existing in this world.

Right now, I feel I need to do everything speedy. For my photography, I will shoot a lot, analyze my photos a lot, experience a lot and challenge new things with a strong enthusiasm quickly. I felt that I got a very important thing from my grand mother.

For this year, I would like to push harder myself and keep trying to improve more and more.

Again thank you so much for supporting Frame Tokyo, and I hope this year will be a valuable year for all of you.

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope see you soon!





2 comentarios

08 ene 2021

My deepest condolence, Kyosuke. My grandmother has passed away when I was 14 but I still vividly remember her. She was also a very strict but fantastic person. I got my first camera from her.

I am also a slow person in action and unfortunately, a slow-minded too, so, I sometimes harm those people whom I respect the most in the world, then I regret it very much that I can't explain...

I'm mostly a portrait-photographer but I do streetshots, too. I always think that the most important thing is to live for the moment, to let your imagination run wild. Maybe, the biggest chances are coming when you don't think about it too much. (For example, in my country…

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08 ene 2021

In the world of photography, speed is correct because things, events can change in a blink of an eye. But each person has their own style and attitude toward their photos which distinguishes their works from other. Sorry to hear about your grandmother’s death,

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